Arctic Perspective Open Space Conference

Dortmund | Union Gewerbehof

The Arctic Perspective open space conference will take place in Dortmund, Germany, from September 24 – 26, 2010. It will gather some of the most dynamic thinkers from and on the circumpolar regions and the open source technology and tactical media communities in an intense three day situation involving critical debate and reflection.

Collectively, the conference will serve as working meeting to envision future strategies of circumpolar interconnectedness, exchange, strategies and tactics of autonomy, the landscape of current circumpolar geopolitics, mobility, open-source information sharing, citizen sensing strategies, ecology, culture and the arts.

Active members of indigenous circumpolar communities, thinkers, writers, architects, artists, and technologists will participate in the open space. They will work towards making an inclusive statement regarding an autonomous, indigenous driven future of the global North as it relates to access to new technologies and infrastructures and a future, technologically mediated, ecologically sound mobility.

The open space conference is happening in conjunction with the Arctic Perspective exhibition at the PHOENIX Halle Dortmund (June 18 – October 10, 2010) in the context of the European Capital of Culture RUHR.2010.

In the context of the open space conference, the following lectures will be open for the public:

Friday, September 24, 2010
19:30 David Turnbull, Victorian Eco-Innovation Lab (VEIL), Architecture Faculty, Melbourne University (AU): Performativity: A Key to Autonomy, Mobility, and Working with Multiple Knowledges and Technologies in Distributed Systems (keynote)

Saturday, September 25, 2010
"The Canadian Arctic Perspective: Inuit Culture, Technology, Autonomy"
19:00 Michael Bravo, Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge (CA/UK): An Arctic Geopolitics without the Inside Out: Experiments in Autonomy (keynote)
21:00 Film screening: Inuuvunga – I Am Inuk, I Am Alive, CA 2004, 57 min 40 s

Admission for the public events is free of charge

The Arctic Perspective Open Space Conference is funded by the Federal Center for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung),
"The Canadian Arctic Perspective: Inuit Culture, Technology, Autonomy" (Sept 25, 2010) is organised in collaboration with the Embassy of Canada,
The particpation of Denis Jaromil Roio (NL) is kindly sponsored by the Netherlands Media Art Institute (NIMk),

Exhibition details
Arctic Perspective


Arctic Perspective Open Space Conference
HMKV at the PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
September 24, 2010, 19:30 Admission free
September 25, 2010, 19:00 Admission free

Inke Arns, Matthew Biederman, Marko Peljhan, Nicola Triscott

Open Space Facilitator:
Dick Robertson

Artistic Director HMKV:
Dr. inke Arns

Managing director HMKV:
Frauke Hoffschulte

Project management and production Arctic Perspective Open Space:
Andrea Eichardt

FSJK and conference assistant:
Johannes Berners

Intern and conference assistant:
Christian Mertmann

Technical support:
Bodo Melenk, Melenk-Veranstaltungstechnik

Video documentation:
Friedrich Schöning

Food & drinks:
Anne Rogge, Mark Ansorg

Press relations:
Steffen Korthals

Technical directors:
Uwe Gorski, Stephan Karass

HMKV at the PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
PHOENIX Platz 4 (Hochofenstraße / corner Rombergstraße)
44263 Dortmund,

free for the conference events

Partner institutions:
HMKV, Dortmund (DE), Projekt Atol, Ljubljana (SI), The Arts Catalyst, London (UK), C-TASC, Montreal (CA), Lorna, Reykjavik (IS)

Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV)
T +49.231.823 106

Arctic Perspective Open Space is funded by:
Federal Center for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung)
In collaboration with the Embassy of Canada

Arctic Perspective is funded by:
Culture Programme of the European Union
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Kulturbüro der Stadt Dortmund
PHOENIX / dortmund-project
NRW.URBAN - Partner für Land und Stadt
Der Ministerpräsident des Landes NRW
Kulturministerium der Republik Slowenien
Stadt Ljubljana
Arts Council England
Canada House, London
University of California, Institute for Research in the Arts (UCIRA)
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung

Media partner
coolibri, De:Bug, city life

Open Space participants:

Alun Anderson (US)
Marije Baalman (NL)
Johan Berte (BE)
Matthew Biederman (US/CA)
Michael Bravo (CA/UK)
Jack Butler (CA)
Eda Cufer (SI)
Annie Désilets (CA)
Helena Drnovsek-Zorko (SI)
Nik Gaffney (BE)
Lassi Heininen (FI)
Joshua Kauffman (US)
Tapio Mäkelä (FI)
Jürgen Neumann (DE)
Sven-Roald Nystø (NO)
Marko Peljhan (SI/US)
Yvette Poorter (CA/NL)
Paul Quassa (NU/CA)
Catherine Rannou (FR)
Dick Robertson (UK)
Denis Jaromil Roio (NL)
Guillaume Ittukssarjuat Saladin (NU/CA)
Raitis Smits (LV)
Nicola Triscott (UK)
David Turnbull (AU)
Martin Varga (DE)
Nancy Wachowich (UK)
Marilyn Walker (CA)
Barry Scott Zellen (US)



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