Cryptoparty - Workshop on digital self-defense

Dortmunder U | Level 3

Digital surveillance is omnipresent. Information about data collection and surveillance by the NSA and other secret services is being revealed to the public more and more frequently thanks to various whistleblowers. Is secure communication possible at all any longer?

Together with the Verein digitalcourage e.V., the HMKV is organizing a cryptoparty on the encoding of your own communications. How can you surf the Internet without leaving clues behind? How can you encode your e-mails? What possibilities exist to encode hard drives or USB flash drives?

The goal is not to speak theoretically about possible protections but to try them out yourself. Bring your laptops and immediately put into practice the knowledge you acquire!

Cryptoparties are becoming increasingly possible thanks to the many revelations about surveillance by the state and secret services. The movement champions the cause of achieving digital autonomy by means of exchanging information using basic tactics for encoding and camouflaging.

Admission to the workshop is free. As the number of participants is limited, please register at

A Workshop in the framework of HMKV’s exhibition Whistleblowers & Vigilantes. Figures of Digital Resistance.

In cooperation with digitalcourage e.V.

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The HMKV is funded by:

Exhibition space:

Hartware MedienKunstVerein

at the Dortmunder U, Level 3
44137 Dortmund
