"Discussing with machines? Trying out and understanding the basics of speech-based AI" | Workshop with Anna-Lena Barner, Benjamin Eugster, Hannah Schwaß


From chatbots to smart training assistants, we are surrounded by systems that give us the impression of a dynamic, even intelligent system through choices and interactive options. Often, simple structures are behind these interfaces, which, however, draw on collections of data of varying sizes. In the workshop we will on the one hand deal with the basics behind such language-based systems and on the other hand reflect on them using concrete examples.

By implementing a small program of your own with Snap! (snap.berkeley.edu), a simplified programming environment, you will be able to take your first steps in coding. The basic understanding of language-based automation and machine learning that will be tested in the process will help us not only to co-create our own digital environments, but also to better understand how existing systems work. Therefore, in a next step, we will also look at more complex applications using the GPT-3 (openai.com) language model as an example and critically reflect on how these can reproduce forms of discrimination and how to deal with them.

Registration: required at event@hmkv.de
Costs: free of charge
Language: German
Location: online (link will be sent to you after registration)


Image: besjunior@istock.com; edited by Benjamin Eugster

The programme is funded by:


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