Film: SILENCED. How far would you go to tell the truth?

Dortmunder U | Kino im U

In the framework of HMKV’s exhibition “Whistleblowers & Vigilantes. Figures of Digital Resistance” the HMKV is showing the movie “SILENCED. How far would you go to tell the truth?” in cooperation with Kino im U e.V.

SILENCED. How far would you go to tell the truth?
US 2014
Director: James Spione
102 min

In the new documentary SILENCED, director James Spione portrays the consequences of whistleblowing, how US Intelligence are gathering information and in how far our awareness of it has changed since 9/11 and in the “Post-Snowden Era". In interviews, media clips and carefully staged documentary re-enactments, we follow the cases of the prominent whistleblowers John Kiriakou (formerly CIA), Thomas Drake (formerly NSA) and Jesselyn Radack (lawyer and former ethics consultant to the American Department of Justice).

The intense document gives a close insight into the sacrifices they made in disclosing information to the public on illicit government operations in the fields of covert surveillance and torture.

Admission €7 / €6 (reduced)

In cooperation with
TU Dortmund, Kulturwissenschaften/Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Kino im U e.V.

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Exhibition space:

Hartware MedienKunstVerein

at the Dortmunder U, Level 3
44137 Dortmund
