HMKV at #MuseumWeek

Dortmunder U | Level 3

From 23 March to 29 March we are part of the project #MuseumWeek taking place on Twitter. Over a week, museums and cultural institutions gather on Twitter to share content and interact with their communities around 7 daily themes/hashtags.
Within the course of this week we will post interesting, fantastic as well as unknown facts about HMKV in order to inspire people to think and tweet about culture.

Follow us on @hmkv_de and get our view of the following topics:

Monday: Secrets (#secretsMW)

Thursday: Souvenirs (#souvenirsMW)

Wednesday: Architecture (#architectureMW)

Thursday: Inspiration (#inspirationMW)

Friday: Family (#familyMW)

Saturday: Favourite Objects (#favMW)

Sunday: Selfie (#poseMW)

So join us on our trip behind the scenes of HMKV!

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The HMKV is funded by:

Exhibition space:

Hartware MedienKunstVerein

at the Dortmunder U, Level 3
44137 Dortmund
