Satellite / Border / Footprint. Workshop with Lisa Parks (Santa Barbara, US)

Dortmund | Phoenix Halle

Workshop with Lisa Parks (UCSB), Dortmund/Germany, Jul 31 – Aug 2, 2010
Public lectures: July 31, 2010, 16:00 - 19:00

Participants will be asked to walk through the city and locate different signs, technologies, objects, screens indicating the presence of satellite, wireless and media technologies and infrastructures. They will be presented with a handout and list of questions, and will be asked to shoot photographs or video of various sites of interest, engage with the questions, and create a project. The assignment is designed to encourage participants to develop greater critical awareness of satellite territories, mediated spaces and environments, and to conceptualize a project that addresses these themes and issues. Please bring your existing projects/knowledge with you.

The workshop is open for 12 participants. Participants get free accommodation and there is no workshop fee. People travelling from outside Germany can ask for a partial support of their travel expenses. With their participation the participants agree to actively support the production of a documentation. You are expected to read one or two essays in preparation and to do some research in advance, according to an email that we'll send to the invited participants.

In order to apply for the workshop, please let us know, why would you like to like to participate, what’s your field of interest, and what exactly you would present to the other participants. If you'd like to contribute to the hands-on part with sharing knowledge, please let us know. Please also send a short CV. All material should be directed to Application deadline is June 20, notification within 10 days or earlier by email.

Public lectures: July 31, 2010
16:00 Francis Hunger (Leipzig): Künstler und Satelliten - eine Einführung
17:00 Nils Sparwasser (DLR, Pfaffenhofen): Dreidimensionale Visualisierungen von Geodaten
18:00 Lisa Parks (UCSB, Santa Barbara): Spotting the Satellite Dish - Populist Approaches to Infrastructure

Program for participants (not open to the public!)

Friday July 30, 2010
arrival for those travelling from outside Germany

Saturday July 31, 2010
11 am - 3 pm
Self-introduction of the participants

4 pm – 8 pm
Public lectures. Lectures
(the public lectures are an integral part of the workshop - make sure to be there)

8 pm - open end
BBQ and additional presentations by participants

Sunday Aug 1, 2010

10 am – 1 pm
Development of the overall workshop goal with Lisa Parks

1 pm – 6 pm
Field work in Dortmund, collecting material + reflections on the collected material

7 pm – open end
Collective dinner

Monday Aug 2, 2010
10 am – 1 pm
Hands-On part [or field work]

2 pm – 5 pm
Further detail work, discussion regarding workshop documentation/follow-up procedures

About Lisa Parks

Lisa Parks, Ph.D., is Professor and Chair of Film and Media Studies at UC Santa Barbara, where she is also an affiliate of the Departments of Art and Feminist Studies. Her research explores different uses of satellite, computer and television technologies in a transnational context. She is the author of Cultures in Orbit: Satellites and the Televisual (Duke University Press 2005) and co-editor of Planet TV: A Global Television Reader (NYU Press 2003).

About Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund

HMKV serves as a platform for the production, presentation, education on and contextualisation of contemporary and experimental media art. The activities of HMKV deal, in different formats, with the theme of „Augmented Space“: in exhibitions, workshops, performances, symposia, publications, Internet applications and in European research projects. The workshop is a follow-up to the workshops „How I learned to love RFID“ (2006) and „Satellite Voyeurism“ (2007), curated by Francis Hunger. It takes place at PHOENIX Halle Dortmund, where at the same time the exhibition „Arctic Perspective“ is on display (for more information see


Hartware MedienKunstVerein (office)
Güntherstraße 65
44143 Dortmund
Tel: ++49.231.823106




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