
Publication | 2011 | 10,00 €

Exhibition catalogue with descriptions and illustrations of all contributions to the Japan Media Arts Festival exhibition (overseas edition Dortmund 2011).

Publication | 2011 | Out of stock

The publication Proto Anime Cut Archive presents original drawings of the most important directors and illustrators of Japanese animated films. Looking at the creative processes, …

Publication | 2011 | 15,00 €

With contributions by Inke Arns and Ute Vorkoeper as well as a comprehensive photo documentation of the exhibition at the Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV)at the Dortmunder U …

Publication | 2011 | 5,00 €

HMKV (ed.): Satellite, Border, Footprint. Dortmund 2011, 116 pages German/English, with an essay by Lisa Parks and contributions by Francis Hunger, Patrick Funk and the …

Publication | 2010 | 5,00 €

Includes all contributions to the E-Culture Fair 2010, which showcased innovative projects in the crossover fields of creative industry, research, education and media art from …

Publication | 2010 | 20,00 €

Arctic Geopolitics & Autonomy is the second publication of the Arctic Perspective Initiative (API), a project led by artists Marko Peljhan and Matthew Biederman, that aims to …

Publication | 2010 | 15,00 €

Exhibition catalogue with descriptions and illustrations of all contributions to the ISEA2010 Ruhr Exhibition.

Publication | 2010 | 15,00 €

With abstracts of all contributions to the ISEA2010 RUHR Conference.

Publication | 2008 | 15,00 €

Winner of the European Design Award 2009

Publication | 2008 | 15,00 €

Winner of the European Design Award 2009

Publication | 2006 | 10,00 €

Winner of the European Design Award 2008 - Category Artistic Catalogue

Exhibition Magazines

Please mind that – apart from the sale at the HMKV on-site – mail order of HMKV's series of exhibition magazines, starting with the exhibition The Alt-Right Complex (2019), is only available via:

Verlag Kettler

Where to buy | Shipping

All further publications are available on-site at the HMKV, too, or can be ordered via:
For information on our shipping rates, please contact us via e-mail.


We accept prepayment.