Dr. Inke Arns


Mathias Wittmann

Head of Commercial Administration

Simone Czech

Consultant for Finance, Accounting and Controlling

Katharina Priestley

Assistant Commercial Administration

Stephan Karass

Technical Director

Kathleen Ansorg

Economic Business and Sustainability Manager

Natascha Kurek

Project Manager

Anja Heitzer

Project Manager

Anna Daschkewitz

Assistant Project Manager

Ann-Katrin Drews

Head of Communications

David Kleinekottmann

Team Communication

Linda Beckmann

Education and Audience Development

Linda Richerd

Director of Operations/Coordination of information staff and exhibition space



Fabian Saavedra-Lara

Head of Office

Riccarda Hessling

Head of PR and Marketing Office

Klaas Werner

Head of Project Management Office

Mareen Biermann

Project Management Office


Information staff

Léon Aicher, Sarah Benter, Evelyn Hennor, Naomi Hennor, Hannah Kasperidus, Silvia Liebig, Emma Lydssan, Luca Lüder, Steven Natusch, Richard Opoku-Agyemang, Sophia Weber

Job applications

Please note that due to cost and sustainability reasons it is not possible for us to return any documents that were sent to us unsolicitedly. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Internships / FSJ / BFD

Currently, we do not offer any internships or spots for FSJ/BFD. Students from the TU Dortmund in the teachers trainee programme can apply for a “Berufsfeldpraktikum”. More information (only in German) in this PDF.

Contact information

Responsible according to press law:
Dr. Inke Arns,
Director Hartware MedienKunstVerein e.V. (HMKV)
Board: Stefan Hilterhaus (chairman), Dr. Inke Arns
Registered at Amtsgericht Dortmund, VR4833
VAT No. DE 268698763

Park der Partnerstädte 2
D-44137 Dortmund
Tel. +49 231/ 13732155