
Publication | 2002 | 5,00 €

5,00 € (including the Catalogue "Hartware Ausstellungen 2001") Publication to all HMKV projects of 2002: Kontrollfelder. Programmieren als künstlerische Praxis; lowlive; unstable …

Publication | 2002 | Out of stock

Exhibition booklet 22. März – 27. April 2002, Montevideo/Time Based Arts, Amsterdam Andreas Gedin, Gary Hill, Teresa Hubbard/Alexander Birchler, Dagmar Keller/Martin Wittwer, …

Publication | 2001 | 5,00 €

5,00 € (including the Catalogue "Hartware Ausstellungen 2002") Publication to all HMKV projects of 2002: Kontrollfelder

Paper | 2001 | Out of stock

in cooperation with Hartware MedienKunstVerein

Dedicated to: Mike Nelson

Exhibition Magazines

Please mind that – apart from the sale at the HMKV on-site – mail order of HMKV's series of exhibition magazines, starting with the exhibition The Alt-Right Complex (2019), is only available via:

Verlag Kettler

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All further publications are available on-site at the HMKV, too, or can be ordered via:
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