
Publication | 2014 | 18,00 €

The catalogue to accompany the exhibition Requiem for a Bank focuses on the world of finance. It documents artistic positions from various disciplines such as media art, fine arts, …

Publication | 2013 | 10,00 €

Water. Coltan. Carbon. Oil. Air. Lithium. Fish. Rice. Land. Gold. These raw materials, extensively extracted and harvested today, are of central concern to World of Matter, an …

Publication | 2013 | 19,00 €

A catalogue book (German/English) with contributions by Ludwig Poullain, Fabian Saavedra-Lara, Peter Ulrich

Publication | 2013 | 19,00 €

A catalogue book (German/English) dealing with the performativity of voice and language. With contributions by Inke Arns, Florian Cramer, Bojana Kunst, Liesbeth de Mol, Katarina …

Poster | 2013 | 3,00 €

Exhibition Poster
HIS MASTER'S VOICE: On Voice and Language

Poster | 2013 | 3,00 €

Exhibition Poster
Eran Schaerf: fm-scenario – broadcasting language – undercover operation – station announcement – error

Publication | 2013 | 10,00 €

The publication INDUSTRIAL on Tour documents a film program organized by Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV) dealing with the topic of ‘Industrial’ which toured through five cities …

Publication | 2012 | 25,00 €

The title of this book and the exhibition it documents—Sounds Like Silence—is ambiguous. On the one hand, silence effectively ›sounds‹— ›There is no such thing as silence,‹ as Cage …

Poster | 2012 | 3,00 €

Exhibition Poster
Sounds like Silence (Cage – 4'33'' – Silence Today / 1912 – 1952 – 2012)

CD | 2012 | Out of stock

The CD Sounds Like Silence contains the radio feature which was broadcast on August 24, 2012 between 00:05 and 01:00 a.m. in the Sound Art program of Deutschlandradio Kultur. It …

Publication | 2012 | 15,00 €

With an essay by Inke Arns, a picture essay by Till Gathmann and Francis Hunger, work descriptions by Fabian Saavedra-Lara, materials by Francis Hunger and photos documenting the …

Poster | 2012 | Out of stock

Exhibition Poster
History has left the Building / HEXEN 2.0

Poster | 2012 | Out of stock

Exhibition Poster
Artur Żmijewski: "Democracies"

Publication | 2012 | 18,00 €

With contributions by Inke Arns, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Goldin+Senneby, Richard Grayson, Jacek Kryszkowski, Daniel Muzyczuk, Dieter Roelstraete, Robert Rumas and David Toop and a …

Publication | 2011 | 18,00 €

Exhibition catalogue of THE OIL SHOW, with contributions by Inke Arns, Fabian Saavedra-Lara, Michael Watts (University of California, Berkeley), info graphics from the exhibition …

Exhibition Magazines

Please mind that – apart from the sale at the HMKV on-site – mail order of HMKV's series of exhibition magazines, starting with the exhibition The Alt-Right Complex (2019), is only available via:

Verlag Kettler

Where to buy | Shipping

All further publications are available on-site at the HMKV, too, or can be ordered via:
For information on our shipping rates, please contact us via e-mail.


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